Math Creations Project in Berlin, Germany

Math Creations Project in Berlin, Germany
24 Ene. 2017

We are calling students of the Art and Design fields as well as independent Artists and Designers to participate in the Math Creations contest for Art, Design and Mathematics. The goal of the contest is new creative ideas based on mathematical concepts and their realization. It is organized by the special research fields “Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics” and “Raum - Zeit - Materie. Analytische und Geometrische Strukturen” in collaboration with IMAGINARY.

The project consists of three events, all being staged in Berlin:

“Creative Input”
January 27, 2017, 6 pm at Technische Universität Berlin (MA004)
Inspiration for contest ideas during an evening of discussion with speakers of the two special research fields

“Creative Output” March 24, 2017, 6 pm at spektrum art&science community Participating teams present their ideas. The jury chooses the most promising math art projects to receive a grant.
“Exhibition” May 5, 2017, 6 pm at spektrum art&science community The results of the productive phase are presented and exhibited.
All events are open to the public. We cordially invite everyone interested!

A professional film crew, directed by film-maker Ekaterina Eremenko (Colors of Math 2012, Discrete Charme of Geometry 2015) will record the events as well as the realization process of the winning projects. A feature film will be produced to be screened internationally, starring all winners and their Math Creations.

Winners of the competition receive one of the grants adding up to a maximum of 3738 EUR total for realization of their creative work, which will be exhibited in May.

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