Ce samedi 21 mars 2015 à Marseille a lieu le lancement public d’IMAGINARY France.Lire la suite
Call for xR (Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality) exhibits for open mathematics

IMAGINARY is looking for Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, open source exhibits. For over 10 years IMAGINARY has employed the latest available technologies to bring open, interactive exhibits for mathematics communication to all corners of the world. Now we are taking another step forward, and not just bringing mathematics to people, but immersing them in the universe of mathematics.
xR technologies allow users to understand mathematical concepts and ideas in a more immersive way than previous technologies, and we believe that it’s time to use them in exhibitions, museums and other learning spaces for people to appreciate the beauty and complexity of mathematics.
Have you developed an AR or VR mathematical exhibit, are working on one, or do you have an idea for one, and are looking for support in developing and testing it? Is it distributed using an Open Source (for software) or Creative Commons (for content) license?
If your answer is “yes”, then let us know! We are looking for new exhibits, new versions of existing ones, or ideas for new ones that could help bring xR technologies into mathematics communication. Following our open IMAGINARY philosophy, all software source code should be distributed with an open source license, and contents using a creative commons or similar license.
Write to us at xr@imaginary.org and tell us what you’re working on. We would love to hear from you!
And to stay up to date on our xR news, have a look at the project page, were we will post news and information on prototypes and new exhibits: