SURFER in Leipzig


SURFER in Leipzig
1 avr. 2014 au 4 avr. 2014
Universität Leipzig|Ritterstraße 26|Leipzig|04109|DE

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SURFER will be presented at the Libre Graphics Meeting in Leipzig. This is the world’s largest gathering of open source projects in the area of computer graphics, with developers and users attending. Everyone comes together to share the latest developments and ideas on how to improve available open source software projects, as well as to demonstrate their current abilities.

LGM2014 takes place on April 2-5 in Leipzig, Germany, and will feature workshops for artists and ca. 90 inspiring talks to showcase new and upcoming projects such as Tupi, Kune, Synfig, Laidout, as well as established projects such as GIMP, Krita, Inkscape, Scribus, and Blender.

Since 2006, the Libre Graphics Meeting is the primary event where developers of free software for artists meet to work on common goals. LGM is free to attend and open to all! Please let us know if you are coming so we can plan ahead to welcome you.

SURFER will be introduced at the Libre Graphics Meeting. Our real-time raytracer of algebraic surfaces will be presented for the first time to the open source graphics and computer science community. The talk will be on April 2nd, at 17:00 by Christian Stussak, developer of SURFER.

Abstract of the talk: “SURFER is an open source program to visualize algebraic surfaces in real-time. It was developed for an interactive installation at the IMAGINARY exhibition for the German Year of Mathematics 2008 and was then extended and used in more than 110 exhibitions in 23 countries: for museum installations, schools and home use. The program is a bridge between art and mathematics and can be used to create beautiful pictures while at the same time exploring and learning the underlying mathematics. To create an image you enter a polynomial equation, for example x^2 − x^3 + y^2 − z = 0. SURFER then immediately calculates the points in space that satisfy this equation and displays them using ray tracing and an optimized root finder. In this presentation the program is introduced with many examples.”


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