
8 juil. 2015 au 26 juil. 2015

Tuesday to Friday from 18 to 21 h; Saturday from 11:30 a 21 h.

La Casa de las Bombas, Dique de Gamazo|Calle Gamazo|Santander|ES

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RSME-Imaginary visits Santander (Spain) in cooperation with the International University Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP).
The place of the exhibition is “La Casa de las Bombas, del Dique de Gamazo”, in front of the Palacio de Festivales and the Escuela de Náutica (close to Puerto Chico).

July 8th to 26th

Exhibition: Sala de Máquinas del dique de Gamazo

IMAGINARY. A mathematical view”

In cooperation with the Real Sociedad Matemática Española and the Autoridad Portuaria of Santander.

This exhibition shows the relationship between mathematics and arts. Art is the combination of shapes, whereas mathematics and technology provides the means to represent them. The purpose is to show visualizations, interactive materials, virtual realities and 3D object, with their theoretical background in algebraic geometry and singularity theory.

More information in:

Opening hours: tuesday to friday from 18 to 21 h; saturday from 11.30 to 21 h.


Tous les événements

19 juil. 2016 au 24 juil. 2016
10 juin. 2016 au 18 juin. 2016
9 juin. 2016 au 10 juil. 2016
2 juin. 2016 au 31 aoû. 2016
23 mai. 2016 au 30 mai. 2016
19 mai. 2016 au 21 mai. 2016
14 mai. 2016 au 22 mai. 2016
13 mai. 2016 au 10 juil. 2016
9 mai. 2016 au 31 mai. 2016
19 avr. 2016 au 3 juin. 2016
11 avr. 2016 au 29 avr. 2016
8 avr. 2016 au 24 avr. 2016
8 avr. 2016 au 31 mai. 2016
18 mar. 2016 au 1 mai. 2016