Bridges 2013 - a conference about the connections between mathematics and art

Bridges 2013 - a conference about the connections between mathematics and art
2013년 4월 16일

The Bridges conference 2013 about the connections between art and mathematics takes place from July, 27th until July, 31th, 2013, in Enschede, Netherlands. The most recent works at the interface of mathematics, music, art, architecture and culture will be presented.

Some highlights besides the conference program: art exhibition, experimental theater, Mime-Matics night, public lecture, music night, short film festival, poetry day, family day, excursion day.

Two contributions to the conference are immediately related to IMAGINARY: one about the program SURFER  ands its applications in maths art and communication, and another one about “How to make an IMAGINARY exhibition”. Also other artists in the IMAGINARY community will present their latest works.

Further information can be found on the IMAGINARY event page and on the conference website.


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