Snapshots of modern mathematics

Snapshots of modern mathematics
2015년 11월 10일

Snapshots are short, easy to understand articles on recent topics of mathematical research. They explain mathematical problems and ideas in an accessible and understandable way, and provide exciting insights into current topics of the mathematical community for everyone who is interested in modern mathematics.

The snapshots are all written by real experts in their fields:
At the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, every week 50 to 60 experts from all over the world work together on current challenges in the field of Mathematics. They introduce new results, discuss different approaches and develop new ideas. After each symposium, the institute asks selected participants to explain one aspect of their research in a comprehensible language to a general audience in a few pages. A team of young mathematicians revise the articles in close collaboration with the authors and assists them in communicating complicated matters to a broad audience. Together they prepare an edited version for publication.

Find all published snapshots at the IMAGINARY texts section!
So far, there are 23 Snapshots available in English and German. More are to come. Some of the English articles are already being translated into other languages. You can filter by mathematical field and/or connections to other fields, as well as authors.

The snapshot project is designed to promote the understanding and appreciation of modern mathematics and mathematical research in the general public world-wide. As part of the project “Oberwolfach meets IMAGINARY, it is funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung.

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All News

2014년 10월 10일

Together with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) South Africa and the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative, IMAGINARY is planning a series of events to boost mathematics communication on the African continent in the near future. After the first very successful event in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we will introduce two upcoming events: a congress in Rabat, Morocco, and a workshop-conference in Cape Town, South Africa.더 보기

2014년 8월 13일

IMAGINARY is present at the ICM 2014 in Seoul with the biggest exhibition so far, NIMS-IMAGINARY and a special panel titled “Mathematics communication for the future - a vision slam”. Furthermore IMAGINARY is collaboration partner of the...더 보기

2014년 6월 25일

There will be a big IMAGINARY exhibition in Heidelberg, Germany, July 20 - August 10!
The Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof is an attractive location, which even has its own movie theater.

There will be four exhibition stations:

  1. The well known IMAGINARY
  2. ...더 보기
2014년 4월 15일

The Center of Art and Technology of Zaragoza, Etopía, opened the last April 9th an expositive space “Ciencia Remix” (Science remix), that includes two exhibitions: Matopía and Ciencia Ciudadana (Citizen science).

Matopía is a mathematics exhibition that features amongst others the exhibits MarteMáticas (math in art), Suertes (probability), and IMAGINARY’s program...더 보기

2014년 4월 8일

The original 2048 online puzzle game was created by 19 year old Italian developer Gabriele Cirulli (see the original game). It instantly became a massive viral hype, probably because it is beautiful in its simplicity. Are you addicted yet?

Try our SURFER version of the game! 

http://...더 보기
