Imaginary - Magical Mathematical Projections in Belgrade


Imaginary - Magical Mathematical Projections in Belgrade
May. 18, 2019 to May. 21, 2019

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Department of Mathematics, University of Rijeka, will present interactive demonstrations Imaginary - Magical Mathematical Projections in Belgrade within the event ”May, Month of Mathematics” organised by Center for promotion of science, Serbia.


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Sep. 20, 2014 to Sep. 24, 2014
Sep. 17, 2014 to Sep. 19, 2014
Sep. 15, 2014 to Sep. 21, 2014
Sep. 5, 2014
Aug. 12, 2014 to Aug. 20, 2014
Aug. 7, 2014 to Aug. 20, 2014
Jul. 19, 2014 to Aug. 10, 2014
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Jun. 20, 2014 to Aug. 31, 2014
Jun. 11, 2014 to Jun. 15, 2014
May. 31, 2014 to Dec. 30, 2014
May. 25, 2014 to Dec. 30, 2014
May. 21, 2014 to May. 24, 2014
May. 10, 2014 to May. 11, 2014