
10‑Minute Museum: Climate Crisis Mathematics


10‑Minute Museum: Climate Crisis Mathematics


Supported by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung

Submitted by


3D/2D design and productionWerkstatt für alles (Moritz Jüdes, Malte Hein)
Scientific AdvisorFrance Caron (University of Montreal, Canada), Scientific AdvisorDietmar Kröner (University of Freiburg, Germany), Scientific AdvisorChirag Dhara (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India)

This is a museum you can visit in only 10 minutes to learn how mathematical models help us understand global warming and predict changes in the climate.

Through interactive applications, videos and animations, sound, experiments, 3D prints, and friendly explanations, we’ll show you:

  • How scientists run models of our planet on supercomputers to see multiple possible futures.
  • How we can know what Earth’s climate was like millions of years ago.
  • How we can transform wind and sea currents into equations.
  • What Global Warming sounds like.

… and many other things! In 10 minutes!


If you want to show 10‑Minute Museum: Climate Crisis Mathematics at your museum, science center, school, or university, we are happy to offer help and assistance to produce or adapt the exhibits!


This exhibition is supported by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung.


Below you can click on the programs and exhibits of the 10 Minute Museum. However, there are more texts available. You can read them on the 10MM website.