
Zooming out of percolation configurations on a lattice of triangles


Zooming out of percolation configurations on a lattice of triangles


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Backwards zooms for Bernoulli site percolation on a lattice of triangles

The three-part movie shows backwards zooms for Bernoulli site percolation on a lattice of triangles, the centers of which form a hexagonal lattice. Zooms are shownin a subcritical case (p = 0.8 pc), a supercritical case (p = 1.2 pc) and a critical case (p = pc), where the critical probability pc is close to 0.69704. triangles are shown in dark purple, open ones in colors that differ between clusters.

In the subcritical case, there are many small clusters. In the supercritical case, there is one giant cluster, plus many small clusters. In the critical case, there are clusters of all sizes, making the configuration statistically self-similar.

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