IMAGINARY and "Mathe - Cool!" in Austria
- Organizer
From 2010 to 2012, a series of IMAGINARY events takes place in Austria. The various activities ranging from school workshops to the participation in a Design and Creativity Fair are in cooperation with the project “MATHE - Cool!” organized by the University of Innsbruck.
05/11/2010: 8th Action Day, Young University, Innsbruck
18/01/2011: Bischöfliches Gymnasium Paulinum, Schwaz
28/04/2011: „Girls’ Day“, Innsbruck
27/05/2011: Hauptschule Volders
15/06/2011 – 16/06/2011: Mathematics Festival, Volkshochschule Innsbruck
12/07/2011: Day of Mathematics at the Young University of IMC FH Krems, Niederösterreich
05/10/2011 – 09/10/2011: Design and Creativity Fair, Innsbruck
09/08/2011: Children’s Summer University, Young University, Innsbruck
04/11/2011: 9th Action Day, Young University, Innsbruck
14/11/2011 – 25/11/2011: BHAK und BHAS Innsbruck
30/11/2012: 10th Action Day, Young University, Innsbruck

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