
Terms of Use

1 Preamble

IMAGINARY gGmbH is a non-profit organization. It started as a community project initiated and run by the “Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach gGmbH” (MFO). IMAGINARY provides users with a platform to share content including software programs, films, videos, digital data of physical exhibits, texts, comments (“content”) related to mathematics, maths communication, maths didactics, maths art and connected fields.

To support our active and growing community we provide the infrastructure and organizational framework for the above services.

The Terms of Use inform You about the public services of IMAGINARY, our relationship to You, the rights and responsibilities applicable to IMAGINARY and to You as a user.

You are welcome to contribute to our community project, however it is essential that you agree to the following terms: 

2 Services provided by IMAGINARY

All of the content that IMAGINARY hosts is provided by users. In general, IMAGINARY will not take an editorial role on the content You place on our website, however IMAGINARY may or may not pre-screen content and has the right to refuse or remove any content that is available on the platform.

You are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. You understand that all information, data, text, videos, images, videos, messages, or other materials (“content”), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such content originated. This means that You, and not IMAGINARY, are entirely responsible for all content that You upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available via the platform.


3 Modification of Service

IMAGINARY reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the platform (or any part thereof) with or without notice. You agree that IMAGINARY shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the platform or any other services offered.

4 Unwanted and Illegal Activities

Certain activities, wether legal or illegal, may harm other users and You may be held liable for your actions. Such activities include in particular, but not exclusively:

  • Abusing or harassing others by threats, stalking, vandalism, transmitting chain mails, junk or spam. 
  • Violating the privacy of others.
  • Infringing copyrights, trademarks, patents or other proprietary rights under applicable law.
  • Misusing our services for other illegal purposes, e. g. by uploading pornographic material or illegal material in general. 
  • Distributing content that contains viruses, malware, worms, Trojan horse, malicious code or any other content hat could harm our technical infrastructure or that of our users or any other third party.
5 Content we host

Because we provide a wide range of content, such as programs, films, videos, physical exhibits, texts, comments that are produced or gathered by fellow users, you may encounter material that You find erroneous, misleading, mislabelled, or otherwise objectionable. Please use Your common sense and proper judgment when using our services.

Although IMAGINARY covers professional (mathematical) and scientific content, such content is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be taken as professional advice. Please seek independent professional counseling from someone who is qualified in the applicable area.

6 Licensing of Content

All users contributing to the IMAGINARY project are required to grant broad permissions to the general public to redistribute and reuse their contributions freely. Therefore You agree to the following terms:

1. When You submit works to which you hold the copyright, You agree to license it under an Open-Source-License of your choice. A list of possible OSS-licenses is presented to You when You upload Your work.

2. You agree that you will not unilaterally revoke or seek invalidation of any license that You have granted under these Terms of Use to the IMAGINARY Projects or features, even if You terminate the use of our services.

7 Interpretation “non-commercial use” 

If the license of Your content does not allow commercial use, You agree to the interpretation that “non-commercial use” does not disallow the following use cases:

a. The presentation of your work in exhibitions held by organizations, such as universities and museums, even if an entrance fee is charged to cover the costs of the production and organization of the exhibition only
b. Your copyrighted work - in whole or in part - is distributed in general press articles even if such articles are published by commercial media.

8 Re-use of content hosted by IMAGINARY and Collective Work

Reuse of content that we host is very welcome, however any reuse must comply with the underlying licence(s) of single copyrighted works. Additionally, proper credit is to be given to IMAGINARY.

The IMAGINARY project is a collective work; although we do not own the copyright of every component of the web site, we own the copyright of the platform as a whole. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, modify, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the platform, use the platform, or access the platform without prior permission.

IMAGINARY CONTENT LICENSE (for individual use):

You may reuse, redistribute or create derivative works of the collective work if you agree to

  1. respect the licenses of each individual exhibit and credit the author(s)

  2. attribute IMAGINARY through hyperlink or URL to the website:www. imaginary.org

  3. mark your changes and contribute the derivative work to the IMAGINARY platform


IMAGINARY CONTENT LICENSE (for use in exhibitions and other events):

You may reuse, redistribute or create derivative works of the collective work for your own event if you agree to

  1. respect the licenses of each individual exhibit and credit the author(s)

  2. attribute IMAGINARY by presenting this phrase prominently: “IMAGINARY is a non-profit organization for open and interactive mathematics. You can find all exhibits and information at the math communication platform www. imaginary.org. IMAGINARY was initiated at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, which is a shareholder of IMAGINARY.“ Add the IMAGINARY logo and website to all material (guidebooks, flyers, posters etc.). The logo can be downloaded here.

  3. inform IMAGINARY and create an event at the IMAGINARY platform before it takes place. (see manual here)

  4. contribute any modifications to the collective work of the IMAGINARY project. This can include guidebooks, descriptions, new exhibits, posters, translations and much more. Please provide download links to the source files.

  5. upload photographs taken at the event to the event page and provide description and credits (name of photographer). IMAGINARY has the rights to use and re-publish these photographs in publications related to IMAGINARY (press articles, reports etc.)

  6. provide a list of press articles, video reports, radio interviews etc. afterwards

  7. provide feedback and statistics about the event afterwards

  8. fill out the IMAGINARY questionnaire afterwards

Furthermore, we encourage you to contribute to the IMAGINARY gGmbH through a donation of 10% of the budget for your event (or of the part which includes IMAGINARY content). This will make it possible to maintain and sustain our free open platform.


9 Third Party Websites 

You are solely responsible for Your use of any third-party websites or resources. Although the Projects contain links to third-party websites and resources, we do not endorse such websites or resources and were are not responsible or liable for their availability, accuracy, or the related content, products, or services (including, without limitation, any viruses or other disabling features), nor do we have any obligation to monitor such third-party content.

10 Termination

We hope You continue to contribute to the IMAGINARY project, however You can stop using our services any time. In certain circumstances it may be necessary for (as described in section 4) to terminate part or all of our services, terminate these Terms of Use, block Your account or access, or ban You as a user. If Your account or access is blocked or otherwise terminated for any reason, Your public contributions will remain publicly available (subject to applicable policies), and, unless we notify You otherwise, You may still access our public pages for the sole purpose of reading publicly available content on the Projects. In such circumstances, however, You may not be able to access Your account or settings.

11 Password Security

Your are responsible for safeguarding Your password. Keep Your account secure by choosing a unique and strong password and by not disclosing Your password to any third party.

12 Privacy Policy

Please read our Privacy Policy in order to know how we collect and use your personal data.