Celebrate the International Day of Mathematics 2022

Celebrate the International Day of Mathematics 2022
11 Mär. 2022

The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a worldwide celebration, proclaimed by UNESCO. Each year on March 14 all countries will be invited to participate through activities for both students and the general public in schools, museums, libraries and other spaces. March 14 was chosen as the date for the IDM because it was already celebrated in many countries as Pi Day, based on the fact that some countries write it as 3/14 and the mathematical constant Pi is approximately 3.14.

This year, the IDM will be held under the theme “Mathematics Unites”. This theme reflects that the planet shares one mathematical language, which is the language of science. Organized by the International Mathematical Union, the IDM includes a mixture of virtual and face-to-face celebrations in 2022, including celebrations in classrooms. IDM 2022 is celebrated in more than 90 countries with over 1100 individual events.

You can browse the map at www.idm314.org.

IDM 2022 is celebrated on all continents: from Uzbekistan to the Philippines, from Guinea to Rwanda, from the Dominican Republic to Peru, from Moldova to Montenegro, people all over the world are organizing festivities.

An international live celebration in five languages (Arabic, Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish) will take place on 14 March, 11:00 to 18:00 UTCa series of short talks by guest speakers about mathematics.

Also, 48 hours of live coverage on the IDM website will start at 00:00 New Zealand time and end at 24:00 Pacific time. The international celebration is complemented by national and local competitions, conferences, exhibitions, and talks, organized by mathematical societies, research institutes, museums, schools, universities, etc.

The special feature of IDM 2022 is the Mathematics Unites Photo Challenge: more than 3270 individuals, schools, and organizations have sent a photo to illustrate “Mathematics Unites”. The photos will be made available in a public gallery to all under a free and open license.

The IDM website is the main hub for the International Day of Mathematics, online at


It hosts information material to be used by the press and organizers (including logos and flyers in different languages) as well as proposals for activities related to the theme for everyone interested in hosting an event. All the official material provided through the website is under an open license, which means it can be freely shared, translated, and adapted.


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