

Hands-on Exponate

Hands-On Exponate sind Skulpturen, Spiele, Papiermodelle und viele andere interaktive Exponate zum Anfassen und Ausprobieren. Hier finden Sie Zeichungen und Anleitungen zum Nachbauen.  
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“Future Mobility - The Board Game” is for 3-4 players aged 8 and older, made to be printed by yourself. Players move through their city applying concepts of real urban planning, such as the Avoid...

Discussion game on AI and Future

Ein Lernspiel für den Mathematikunterricht

3D printed chords of three notes.

Sit down on the bench with a friend. Touch the armrests while you hold hands and you will hear a twinkling melody.

Create your own instrument with the synthesizer by using the keyboard. Use the four knobs on the synthesizer to select different instruments and get started!