
Ceramic tiles and geometry


Ceramic tiles and geometry


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Conception and Scientific credits:Suzana Nápoles Video:João Filipe Silva, Pedro Mira, Phil Sobral [voice over]
Avec le soutien de: 
Geometria Intuitiva e Interativa (Gi2), Center for Mathematics, Fundamental Applications and Operations Research (CMAFcIO), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)

Through the observation of tile patterns and the identification of the isometries involved in their composition, we intend to illustrate the natural connections between geometry and art and to provide a stimulating approach to isometries of the plane.

This is an initiative of “Intuitive and Interactive Geometry (GI2)”, a project supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation within the scope of Innovative Projects in the Educational Domain, now in collaboration with the Center of Mathematics, Fundamental Applications and Operations Research (CMAFcIO), that aims to pursue an intuitive approach to geometry related themes based on the observation of objects and the transformation of figures.

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