
Journeys of Women in Mathematics


Journeys of Women in Mathematics



Emeği Geçenler

International Mathematical Union / Committee for Women in Mathematics CC BY-NC (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
Filmed and edited by Micro-Documentaries. Made possible by a grant from the Simons Foundation.

World Women in Mathematics : successes and barriers for women in mathematics from an international perspective, told in the words of the women themselves.

The film brings together and documents both the successes and barriers for women in mathematics from an international perspective, told in the words of the women themselves. It profiles women mathematicians from around the world, speaking about their research, the mathematical aspirations of women in their region and how the international mathematics community could support these. In the first part of the film Neela Nataraj from India, Aminatou Pecha from Cameroon and Carolina Araujo from Brazil, are featured at their home institutions in their respective countries. The second part of the film was shot at (WM)^2 where Carolina, Neela and Amina attended. It shows the lively and diverse atmosphere of the event and contains short interviews of six women from various Latin American countries.

Diğer Film