Symmetric solids - wireframe versions
Symmetric solids - wireframe versions
The famous five platonic, archimedean and catalan solids in the MO-Labs wireframe version. These symmetric spacial objects are known since antiquity.
Comparing this version to other available ones, the MO-Labs versions are made of round wires. This makes the objects cleaner in some way because no edges of wires distract from the geometry of the piece.
The 3d print files are made available under a licence allowing to produce them for non-commercial purposes. If you want to sell them, just contact us via and we will find a way for you to do so.
These files have been created by Oliver Labs (
- Oliver Labs (MO-Labs)
In this hands-on set, MO-Labs presents its 3d print wireframe versions of some of the most classical symmetric solids for non-commercial use: platonic solids, archimedean solids, catalan solids.
For more information, see